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FAQ's & Pricing


How much does eco-friendly pickup & delivery laundry service cost?


On average, a Laundry Co reusable bag of laundry is about 30 pounds.  

We want to give you back your time you currently spend on all of those pounds.

Let us take the weight off. 


The Laundry Co Premium Services:

The Laundry Co Wash&Fold/Wash&Hang

We will wash, dry, sort, fold/hang, tie, bundle, bag, tag. 


​Large bedding items such as comforters and sleeping bags are charged per item at a flat rate of $35 per item.

Dog beds and bath mats are charged per item: $10 

Seniors & Service Members: $2.35/lb



The Laundry Co Fold-ONLY:

Do you have stacks of CLEAN laundry weighing you down?

Send them our way! Simply bag them up and note that they are CLEAN.

We will sort, fold, tie, bundle, bag, tag -  Laundry Co Premium style.




Plus Round trip SERVICE FEE: $10



Re-usable Laundry Co Bag: $15



For first time Laundry Co clients: 

You may send your laundry in a trash bag or a re-usable laundry bag.  We will send back to you in compostable, one-use bags. If you would like to purchase a Laundry Co reusable linen bag, we will be more than happy to deliver those to you on return. These are available for purchase at $15/bag.  Please just let us know how many you would like.


Anything special I should do before sending my laundry?

We are so glad you asked!  A couple important notes:



Please turn your clothes right side out. We do reserve the right to upcharge if your clothes are consistently inside out. This takes a lot more time and labor for our team members; especially for kiddos clothes. We really appreciate your help on this one.


If you would like clothes sorted to be washed in a certain way, PLEASE sort your clothes per bag and note that before sending over. We are always happy to accomodate; please just be sure we have received your care requests by contacting us directly:

Upcharges may apply.


We have Laundry Co bags for sale at $15/bag. You can purchase by contacting us via email: We will simply add this to your next delivery.


If you would like clothes to be hung: we ask that you please send your hangers you would like to have them delivered on. We are happy to provide hangers, but we ask that you please re-use them for repeat service. We have hang bags for purchase, as well, for $15/bag. You can purchase by contacting us via email: We will add this to your next delivery.


Thank you SO MUCH for your help with these items.

 We are a small business who strives to offer the highest of laundry care to you

and your loved ones and we appreciate your help to be able to continue doing so.


How will I pay for my service?    
We bill your credit or debit card directly.  We will email you a receipt each time your card is billed.


Can I pay with check or cash? 
As a general guideline, we only accept credit and debit cards. 

We do always consider special situations, though, so please send us a message or give us a call.  


Is there a minimum charge?
There is a $35 minimum laundry charge for all orders.


Uh-oh! I forgot to set out my clothes!
You can choose to receive text or email reminders, to help you keep up.  We know you are busy!!

We do reserve the right to charge $15 for missed pickups, if we have already come by, just to cover costs and time. 

Will I be locked in to a commitment or contract?
Nope.  We want you to be here only because you want to, and only as long as you want to!


What happens if I am not home when you pick up and/or deliver my laundry?
No worries! Just set your laundry out somewhere that we can have easy access to it. Many customers ask us to leave it on their back porch or in their front foyer.  Just let us know what works for you!


Ack! There is some trouble with my laundry! (pickup, delivery, service, any other issues).

We are committed to your satisfaction. Please direct all of your service issues to 502.738.3088.

How long is the turnaround time?
The next day (about 24 hours).


Any other questions we didn't answer here?

We're all friends here, and we believe there's no such thing as a weird question amongst friends.

So please call, text, email, or even send us a carrier pigeon, if that's more your style.

We also love paper mail. . and tea . . and chocolate. .





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